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Ole Wanscher

1903 - 1985, 丹麦

Ole Wanscher 是丹麦知名建筑师及设计师,他通过简洁精致的设计语言,重塑传统的家具形式,创造了诸多经典作品,成为20世纪中叶丹麦现代主义的领军人物之一。

1903年,Wanscher 出生于丹麦 Frederiksberg,父亲是艺术史学家,母亲是画家。曾在丹麦皇家艺术学院师从 Kaare Klint 学习,并受到他的极大影响。毕业后的1924至1927年,Wanscher 与 Klint 一起工作,又在 Klint 去世后,接替他成为学校的教授,任职直至1973年退休。

1927年,Wanscher 成立了自己的工作室,专门从事家具设计。和 Klint 一样,Wanscher 也受到不同国家的文化和传统的影响,从古埃及、古希腊,到中国和18世纪的英国,都给予了他在家具设计上充足的灵感,从Wanscher 1942年设计的 Windsor Chair 温莎椅、1960年的 Egyptian Stool 埃及凳,都可以窥见。1940到1960年代,Wanscher 与细木工大师 A.J. Iversen 合作密切,共同创造了写字桌、扶手椅、沙发等数十款经典作品,至今仍具有极高的收藏价值。另外,Wanscher 也与 France & Søn、Fritz Hansen、Poul Jeppesen 和 Rud Rasmussen 等知名工坊合作。

Wanscher 同时在持续撰写文章,受到父亲艺术史学家身份的启发,出版了多本关于设计史的书籍,如《The History of the Arts of Furniture 家具艺术史》(1956年)和《Five Thousand Years of Furniture 家具五千年》(1967年)。

尽管 Wanscher 的名气不及 Finn Juhl,Hans J. Wegner 等同时代的设计师,但他的作品给很多重要评论家留下了深刻印象。1958年,Sven Erik Moller 在丹麦知名报纸《Politiken》上写道:“如果拥有一把 Ole Wanscher 的椅子,那将会是一种能够持续百年的奇妙体验,人们可以在每天的使用过程中,感受它背后深远的、不可磨灭的价值。”2003年,《New York Times》艺术评论家 Roberta Smith 评论道:“Ole Wanscher 将设计师、雕塑家、细木工匠和艺术史学家的才能,充分且平衡的结合在一起,带入到他现代的、永恒的、朴素的设计当中。“

Wanscher 于1985年去世。至今,Carl Hansen & Søn 仍在生产 Wanscher 的许多设计,而在20世纪中叶由 A.J. Iversen 细木工坊制造的家具,则依然在古董收藏市场上具有极高价值。

Wanscher was born on 16 September 1903 in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, the son of art historian Vilhelm Wanscher (1875-1961) and painter Laura K. Baagøe Zeuthen (1877-1974). He studied at the Danish School of Art and Design, and was particularly influenced by Prof. Kaare Klint.[1]

After completing his studies, Wanscher worked with Klint from 1924 to 1927, at which time he set up his own office, specializing in furniture design.

Throughout the 1930s and 1940s, Wanscher, working with master joiner A. J. Iversen, produced dozens of designs that are now seen as modern classics. In the 1950s, Wanscher left his private firm and began an association with P. Jeppesens Møbelfabrik A/S that would last for the rest of his professional life.

Like his mentor Kaare Klint, Wanscher was influenced by a variety of sources, from 18th century British design through the furniture design of Ancient Egypt. One of Wanscher's most famous pieces was his so-called "Egyptian Stool" of 1960. He was also influenced by Greek and Chinese design.

While many of Wanscher best known designs were built with master joiner A.J. Iversen, Wanscher also showed a particular interest in the mass production of furniture, and several of his pieces were designed with mass production in mind. One of Wanscher's best known designs is the teak easy chair designed for France & Son in 1951.

pon the death of Kaare Klint in 1955, Wanscher replaced Klint as professor at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, a post he held until his retirement in 1973. Taking a cue from his father, an art historian, Wanscher published several histories of furniture design during his time at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, including The History of the Art of Furniture and Five Thousand Years of Furniture.

Wanscher's work has remained popular with furniture collectors. It has been called "delicate", "elegant", and "orderly".

In 2003, Vance Trimble, a furniture dealer and collector, staged a retrospective of Wanscher's work in New York City, which was well received.[2]

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