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Nanna Ditzel

1923 - 2005, 丹麦

Nanna Ditzel 是丹麦知名设计师,被广泛称为“丹麦设计第一夫人”。

Ditzel 在1923年出生于哥本哈根,最初在理查兹学院接受细木工匠的培训,后来又在哥本哈根工艺艺术学院和丹麦皇家美术学院学习家具设计,于1946年毕业。在学校期间,她遇到了自己的第一任丈夫 Jørgen Ditzel,他们从1944年开始一起工作和参加展览,并在1946年共同成立了设计工作室,主要专注于室内设计、多用途可调节的家具和儿童家具等。1956年,两人因 Children’s High Chair 儿童高脚椅获得了 Lunning Prize;1959年,Hanging Chair 吊椅(又称 Egg Chair 蛋椅)面世,这个椭圆形由藤编材质制作的悬挂座椅,成为了他们最著名的作品之一。

1961年 Jørgen 去世,Ditzel 继续探索了不同领域的设计,从珠宝、餐具、纺织品,到家具和应用艺术,涉猎范围极为广泛,同时也积极运用了藤条、玻璃纤维、泡沫橡胶等多种材料。1968年,她嫁给了第二任丈夫 Kurt Heide 并搬到伦敦,创建了名为 Interspace 的国际家具和设计中心,她自己的工作室 Nanna Ditzel Productions Ltd. 也将总部设在了伦敦。1986年,Ditzel 的第二任丈夫去世,她再次回到了丹麦。

作为一位充满活力和实验精神的设计师,Ditzel 在不利于女性创作者的时代发挥了重要影响,非常规的构图、有机的形态,和根植于日常生活的作品,都让她在丹麦现代主义人才辈出的背景下,依然有自己的一席之地。

2005年,Ditzel 在哥本哈根去世。

Ditzel 在职业生涯中获得了诸多奖项,包括日本国际家具设计金奖(1990年)、丹麦设计最高荣誉 ID Prize(1995年)、伦敦荣誉皇家设计师(1996年),以及丹麦文化部颁发的终身艺术家奖(1998年)。

Nanna Ditzel (1923-2005), with her postmodernism attitude and rebellion against tradition, became a leading figure in the renewal of Danish design in the 1990's, well after her 70th birthday. Very often, her works had a subjective starting point, which was contrary to specific problems to be solved. However, she had a magnificent ability to transform her artistic dreams into very functional and purposeful designs.

Meeting Nanna Ditzel in person led to an irresistible urge to put her furniture in your home. In part due to her unparalleled innovative talent, but also in hopes that her personality would have had a contagious effect on your rooms. At an age when most other people have long since retired, the grand old lady of modern design continued to attract worldwide attention and she welcomed the inspiration that came from new materials and production methods.

Nanna Ditzel was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1923. She trained as a cabinetmaker before going on to study at the School of Arts and Crafts and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. She was always inspired by the challenges of new materials and techniques, and in the 50's she experimented with split-level floor seating. Nanna was a pioneer in the fields of fiberglass, wickerwork and foam rubber, and in various disciplines such as cabinet making, jewellery, tableware, and textiles. Nanna Ditzel designed the world’s most renowned furniture textile "Hallingdal" for Kvadrat.

From 1968 to 1986, Nanna lived in London where she established the international furniture house, Interspace, in Hampstead. In 1989 she became closely connected with Fredericia, beginning with "Bench For Two". The collaboration between Fredericia and Ditzel developed into a mutual partnership and the successful launch of the Trinidad chair in 1993 marked a turning point in Fredericia's history, establishing Nanna Ditzel as Fredericia's second house designer after Børge Mogensen. Nanna passed away in 2005, but her uncompromising approach remains a strong influence on Fredericia’s culture and product development.

For Ditzel, the aesthetics of the chair were just as important as function, citing, “It is very important to take into account the way a chair’s appearance combines with the person who sits in it. Some chairs look like crutches. And I don't like them at all.”

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