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Mogens Koch

1898 - 1992, 丹麦

Mogens Koch 是丹麦知名建筑师及设计师,他通过简洁精致的设计语言,重塑传统的家具形式,创造了诸多经典作品,成为20世纪中叶丹麦现代主义的领军人物之一。

Koch 出生于哥本哈根,在丹麦皇家美术学院进修期间,受到 Kaare Klint 的极大影响,并在毕业后继续担任他工作室的助手。Klint 善于从历史中寻找灵感,这启发了 Koch 将家具设计视为在过去传统上进化重建的过程,他设计的 MK Safari 椅,就是以18世纪英国传统家具为灵感而来的。

1928年,Koch 开始设计他最著名的作品——模块化书柜系统,独立的单元极具功能性和灵活性,以此适用于不同大小和需求的空间,这在当时是开创性的设计。1930年,丹麦著名细木工坊 Rud Rasmussen 制作出了第一个原型,并在1932年正式投入生产,以桃花芯木、橡木等木材制成,使用传统燕尾榫,层板虽然纤细,但也能提供足够的强度和稳定性。此后,Koch 又接连设计了新的模块单元:图纸柜、陈列柜、深书柜等等,过程中,Koch 花费大量时间去研究比例和尺度,以及历史中出现的柜体单元,就像 Klint 所倡导的那样。独特的工艺、精美的细节和永恒的设计,使得 Koch 的模块化书柜成为丹麦现代设计中最不容错过的经典之一。

到1950年代,Koch 的专业方向有所转变,他开始将精力转向建筑和学校,参与了现今为丹麦设计博物馆的改造,并回到丹麦皇家美术学院担任教授,直至1968年。

Koch是将 Kaare Klint 的现代设计理念传承的最纯正的设计师之一,作品极具功能性,且精致典雅、历久弥新,至今仍然在古董收藏家具中备受追捧。Koch 获得过诸多设计奖项,包括1938年的 Eckersberg 奖、1963年的 C.F. Hansen 奖、1982年丹麦家具制造商协会奖等等。

Mogens Koch was born in the Frederiksberg district of Copenhagen. He attended the architecture school at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, and between 1925 and 1932 worked for Carl Petersen, Ivar Bentsen and Kaare Klint, where he was trained in the Danish functional tradition.

Koch primarily worked with church restorations, for example as an architect for Roskilde Cathedral (1950-1971) and with the design and decoration of the Danish Church in London. His architectural works also include an extension of Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Frederiksberg together with Steen Eiler Rasmussen carried out between 1945 and 1968.[2]

As a furniture designer Mogens Koch is known for the Folding Chair (1932), the Wing Chair No. 50 and the Armchair No. 51 in mahogany and leather (1936) and the Book Case (1928).[3]

Prior to teaching at the Royal Academy, Koch had the good fortune to be a student of noted architect and Professor Kaare Klint. Klint challenged Koch to draw everlasting designs; not only furniture architect, but also in the designing of monuments, buildings, textiles and silverware. Klint was obviously impressed with Mogens Koch talent as a student, and after Koch graduated he went on to be employed at Carl Petersen, Ivar Bentsen and Kaare Klint architect studio. Koch worked at this studio from 1925 until 1932. It was here where he learned to work with the principles behind the Danish functionalism tradition.[4]

The furniture designed by Mogens Koch is some of the most elegant and practical solutions to the demands of comfort, functionality and aesthetics. Koch's designs have been the central feature of the Rud Rasmussen Company since 1932, and many of his furniture designs are still in production today. In 1934 Koch opened his own studio.

Like Klint, Koch often used previous generations experience in furniture design and implemented these experiences into his own designs. Some of Koch's best known works include the extension of the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Frederiksberg. This was a joint project with Steen Eiler Rasmussen. Koch's released a highly successful sectional bookcase in 1928. A ‘Folding Chair’ which was designed in 1933, but was not manufactured until 1959, yet is still being manufactured today. Koch is also known for renovation of churches.

Mogens Koch's professional direction changed a little in the 1950s, and he began spending much of his time renovating churches and other buildings. He was involved in converting the former Frederiks Hospital in Copenhagen for use by the Danish Museum of Art & Design.

Koch's most famous piece of furniture is the square book case which was designed for his own home in 1928. It has a particularly flexible, space saving designed, and it was adjustable for the book formats of the future. Like Kaare Klint, Mogens Koch spent much time studying mathematics and human proportions as well as studying historical furniture items to help his own designs. Koch's practical and natural furniture is usually made of indestructible maintenance free materials. Mogens Koch is one of the few Danish architects who have completely succeeded in implemented Kaare Klint's teachings of functionalism.

Morgens Koch was awarded the Eckersberg Medal in 1938 and C. F. Hansen Medal in 1963. he was awarded the Cabinet-Makers’ Guild annual prize in 1964 and the Danish Furniture Manufacturers Association's Furniture Award in 1982.

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