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Kurt Østervig


丹麦家具设计师 Kurt Østervig (1912~1986) 的职业生涯是从作为在 Odense (丹麦第三大城市) 的一个海军建筑师开始的。之后 Østervig 转变为设计师,曾为制造商 E. Knudsen 工作,然后在1947年开设了自己的工作室。接着,他继续以自由设计师的身份工作,与包括Bernh, Pedersen & Son, Bramin, Jason, Rolschau, Sibast, Vamo 等等在内的中世纪丹麦家具品牌合作。

Østervig 最著名的设计包括为 Schillers Polstermøblerfabrik 设计的 Model 12 Easy Chair 模型12 舒适椅(1961; 2014年重新开始生产)以及为 Brande 设计的 Butterfly Dining Chair 蝴蝶餐椅 (1950年代)。Østervig 喜爱的事橡木,尽管他的设计会使用红木和柚木。有资料显示 Østervig 参与了1950年代的米兰三年展 Triennale di Milano 和1960年代的现代艺术博物馆展览 Modern Art exhibition, 虽然还不清楚他的哪些设计作品曾在这些场馆内展出。

Østervig是一个受人尊敬的艺术家,以详细、自然的图纸著称。他的室内设计项目包括私人住宅、船舶、疗养院、酒店和电影院。如今,Østervig 的设计继续由五个制造商制作,但他在中世纪生产的设计作品仍非常受欢迎,能在拍卖行和世界各地的画廊内取得高价。

Danish furniture designer Kurt Østervig (1912-1986) began his career as a naval architect in Odense, Denmark’s third city. Changing career paths in favour of design, Østervig worked for manufacturer E. Knudsen before opening his own studio in 1947. He continued to work as a freelance designer for the rest of his career, collaborating with an array of Danish furniture brands in the mid-century era, including Bernh. Pedersen & Son, Bramin, Jason, Rolschau, Sibast, and Vamo, to name but a few.

Among Østervig’s most important designs are the Model 12 Easy Chair for Schillers Polstermøblerfabrik (1961; re-launched in 2014) and the Butterfly Dining Chair(1950s) for Brande. Østervig’s material of choice was oak, although his designs were also produced in rosewood and teak. Some sources reference Østervig’s participation in the Triennale di Milano in the 1950s and a Museum of Modern Art exhibition in the 1960s—although it is unclear which designs were shown at these venues.

Østervig was a well respected artist, known for his detailed, naturalistic drawings. His interiors projects included private homes, ships, nursing homes, hotels, and cinemas.

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