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Finn Juhl

1912 - 1989, 丹麦

Finn Juhl 是丹麦著名建筑师、室内设计师和家具设计师,是帮助定义丹麦现代主义风格,并将它推广至全球的重要力量。Juhl 深受现代艺术影响,所设计的家具大大区别于同时代的其他设计师,他的作品有着雕塑般的有机形态,在充分满足功能的基础上,有着自己独特的空间感,在当时丹麦理性的设计氛围中极为先锋。

Juhl 于1912年出生于丹麦 Frederiksberg ,自小就对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,想要学习艺术史,但却被其父亲说服,在1930年进入丹麦皇家美术学院攻读建筑学,师从当时的知名建筑师 Kay Fisher 。毕业后,Juhl 进入 Vilhelm Lauritzen 建筑工作室,作为建筑师和室内设计师在这里工作了十年,在此过程中,Juhl 也同步开始了家具设计。

“艺术一直是我灵感的主要来源”,声称对于家具设计是自学成才的 Juhl,从现代艺术中汲取了大量灵感,法国抽象雕塑家 Jean Arp、丹麦现代主义画家 Vilhelm Lundstrøm 等,都是对 Juhl 有极大影响力的艺术家,也是至今,Juhl 的家具仍然多与艺术品一同展出的主要原因。

1937年,Juhl 开始与细木工大师 Niels Vodder 合作,在每一年的哥本哈根细木工行业协会展上推出家具设计作品。最初,Juhl 的设计遭受了广泛的批评,当时,丹麦设计更多的是以 Kaare Klint 所领衔的现代主义风格,线条、传统材料、原木色彩及强大的功能性,而 Juhl 的家具则有着雕塑般的有机形态和明快的色彩,批评者普遍认为 Juhl 的设计太过激进。

Juhl 以雕塑家的方式来设计家具,材料的潜力被最大限度的发挥出来。一方面,不同于同时代设计师,他偏好使用柚木、黑檀木等深色木材,搭配具有他标志性色彩的皮革和软包面料。另一方面,家具的有机造型则对细木工工艺提出了巨大挑战。Vodder 当时的工作坊仅有他一人和几名学徒,却通过创新高超的工艺,完美实现了 Juhl 的作品。两人的密切合作一共持续了22年,但因工作坊的体量和对工艺的极致追求,Juhl 和 Vodder 合作生产的家具产量极少,每个系列至多在80把左右,极为珍贵。

1942年,Juhl 与妻子 Inge-Marie Skaarup 一同在哥本哈根北部的 Ordrup 建造了自己的家,同时设计里面的全部家具,如今作为博物馆对外开放参观。

1945年,Juhl 离开 Vilhelm Lauritzen 建筑事务所,创立了自己的工作室,自此迎来了他的创作高峰,包括知名的45号椅(1945年)、46号椅(1946年)、酋长椅(1949年)等。

1950年,Juhl 开始在国际上发挥影响力。纽约现代艺术博物馆的工业设计总监 Edgar Kaufmann Jr. 因1948年哥本哈根的一场展览,对 Juhl 的作品印象极为深刻,并将其引荐到了美国。1951年,Juhl 参加了 MoMA 举办的 Good Design 展览。同年,他开始设计职业生涯中最重要的项目之一——纽约联合国总部的托管理事会会议厅,其中260把51号椅,也是专门为了该项目设计的。随后,Juhl 又先后多次受邀为丹麦著名银饰品牌 Georg Jensen 设计店铺,在米兰三年展上设计丹麦展台,为丹麦皇家航空SAS设计售票处及航站楼等。

与此同时,Juhl 也为丹麦现代主义在世界范围内的传播做出了巨大贡献。他共策划和设计了60多个展览,主要包括纽约大都会艺术博物馆的 Arts of Denmark (1960年),伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆的 Two Centuries of Danish Design (1968年)等。

1989年,Juhl 在哥本哈根去世。

Juhl 的设计在他的时代极为先锋,使得丹麦现代主义风格因为他,而多了一重新的维度和色彩。甚至在去世多年后,他的作品仍在获奖(The Wallpaper Design Award 2010 授予 Juhl 在1951年设计的 Baker 沙发最佳再发行奖)。目前 Juhl 的作品由丹麦品牌 House of Finn Juhl 生产发布。

Born in Denmark in 1912, Finn Juhl studied architecture at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. After graduating, he worked for ten years in the office of Vilhelm Lauritzen, a leading Danish Modernist architect. In 1945, he set up his own practice, specializing in interior and furniture design. Juhl created design forms with the mindset of a sculptor and much of his furniture was technically ahead of its time. Juhl’s career blossomed through his participation in the annual Copenhagen Cabinetmakers’ Guild exhibitions, nationally sponsored events that supported design innovation through collaborations between young architects and traditional cabinetmakers. Juhl found great success in his partnership with craftsman Niels Vodder, and together they created a number of important works, such as the Pelican Chair and the Chieftain Chair.The iconic Trusteeship Council Chamber at the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York, which was designed by Finn Juhl and originally inaugurated in 1952, is also known as the Finn Juhl Chamber.

Pelican chair (1940)
FJ41 aka Poet sofa (1941)
NV44 chair (1944)
NV45 chair (1945)
FJ46 chair (1946)
BO64 chair (1946)
Westermann's Fireside chair aka BO59 (1946)
FJ48 chair (1948)
Egyptian chair (1949)
Chieftain chair aka FJ49A (1949)
Judas table (1946)
Baker sofa (1951)
BO98 chair (1952)
Japan chair aka FD137 (1953)
FJ53 chair (1953)
BO101 chair (1953)
FJ55 chair (1955)
FD136 chair (1958)
Diplomat chair aka 209 (1965)
BO62 chair (1962)
Bwana chair aka FD152 (1962)

Interior designs
His work also included numerous assignments within the field of interior design. Shortly after opening his own office, he received several commissions to do interior design at some of the premier addresses in Copenhagen, Bing & Grøndahl's shop on Amagertorv (1946), now housing Royal Copenhagen, and Svend Schaumann's florist's shop on Kongens Nytorv (1948). He also collaborated regularly with companies such as Georg Jensen and Scandinavian Airlines, his work for the latter including both ticket offices and interiors of planes. He also had many assignments as an exhibition designer.

Bing & Grøndahl shop, Amagertorv, Copenhagen (1946)
Svend Schaumann's florist's shop, Kongens Nytorv (1948)
Trusteeship Council Chamber, U.N. Headquarters, New York (1951–52)
Georg Jensen store, Fifth Avenue, New York (1952)
Designed a room with his own furniture, etc. at the Nordenfjeldske Museum of Applied Art, Trondheim (1952)
Georg Jensen silversmithy, 50th anniversary exhibition, Museum of Decorative Art, Copenhagen, 1954.
Fifty Years of Danish Silver exhibition, London, [1954]; in Washington, Louisville and Dallas (1955); St. Louis (1957)
Denmark's stand, Milan Triennial X, Italy (1954)
Director's office for France & Daverkosen, Ørholm, (1955)
Model apartment, H55 exhibition. Helsingborg, Sweden, (1955)
30 SAS ticket offices in Europe and Asia (1956–61)
Georg Jensen shop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1956)
Interior design of DC-8 planes for SAS
Georg Jensen shop, New Bond Street, London (1957)
Denmark's stand, Milan Triennial XI (1957)
Furnished the ambassador's residence, Embassy of Denmark in Washington, D.C. (1960)
Arts of Denmark, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (1960)
The Arts of Denmark exhibition moved to museums in Washington D. C., Chicago, and Los Angeles, 1960-61.
Bing & Grøndahl shop expansion, Amagertorv, Copenhagen (1963)
Wilhelm Hansen Musikforlag shop, Gothersgade, Copenhagen (1966)

Finn Juhl's House, Klampenborg, Denmark
Mrs Anthon Petersen's summer house in Asserbo, Halsnæs Municipality, Denmark, 1950.
Single-family house for M. Aubertin, Nakskov, Denmark, 1952
Georg Jensen shop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (1956)
Summer house for Anders Hostrup-Pedersen (managing director of Georg Jensen), Rågeleje, Denmark (1962)

Awards and distinctions
1943 C. F. Hansen prize for young architects
1947 Eckersberg Medal, Denmark
1954 Honorary Diploma, Milan Triennial X, Italy
1957 three gold medals at the Milan Triennial XI
1960 Kaufmann International Design Award
1964 A.I.D. prize for design, Chicago
1978 Honorary Royal Designer for Industry, London
Knight of the Order of Dannebrog, Copenhagen
Best reisue/sofa design, 2010 Wallpaper Design Award[8]

Hansen, Per H. (2014). Finn Juhl and His House. Hatje Cantz Verlag. ISBN 978-3775737975.
Hiort, Esbjørn (1990). Finn Juhl: Furniture, Architecture, Applied Art. Danish Architectural Press. ISBN 87-7407-094-0.
Oda, Noritsugu (2012). Finn Juhl. Heibonsha. ISBN 978-4582634648.

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