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Arne Vodder

1926 - 2009, 丹麦

Arne Vodder 是一名丹麦建筑师和家具制造商,1958年米兰三年展设计奖金奖得主。1947年,他毕业于丹麦皇家美术学院,师从知名设计大师 Finn Juhl 。毕业后,他在哥本哈根的 Hindsgaul 担任设计师,同时还从事办公室的装饰工作。1950年,他与建筑师 Anton Borg 一同创立了自己的设计工作室,合作直至1970年代。1980年代初期,他为 InterForm Collection 和 Xcol 设计了一种新型的带漆家具,后来又为芬兰公司 Serlacius 设计了实验室家具。1980年代后期,他开始与 Kirkodan合作,为 Kirkodan 设计并开发了高品质的花园家具系列,主要在泰国生产。到了1990年代,Vodder 开始与 Nilaus Furniture 建立合作伙伴关系。

Vodder 以其家具设计而闻名,受到大自然的启发,这些家具往往是由天然材料(如柚木、黑檀木)构成的简洁作品,有时带有彩色面板。Vodder 作品的爱好者众多,在1950-70年代,美国总统 Jimmy Carter 、开罗总统 Anwar Sadat 、罗马教皇保罗六世,都使用了他设计的家具,联合国日内瓦办事处以及一些酒店、银行、航空公司和全球使馆也很青睐他的作品。Vodder 还曾与 Verner Panton 、 Nanna Ditzel 等人一起在哥本哈根、斯德哥尔摩、布鲁塞尔、鹿特丹、苏黎世、伯尔尼、伦敦和纽约等地参加展览。人们对 Vodder 历久弥新的设计的痴迷从未间断,这导致了在2005年, Gjesten Maskinsnedkeri 和 PJ Furniture 重新限量生产了他的经典家具。

Arne Vodder was trained by Finn Juhl, who became his friend and business partner. Before concentrating on furniture alone, in 1951 he opened his own studio with the architect Anton Borg. Together they designed some 1,100 low-cost houses which proved to be a great success. In the 1950s and 1960s, at a time when Denmark was receiving international recognition for its furniture, he designed a wide range of items. Despite the originality and timelessness of his style, he is not as well known as contemporaries such as Børge Mogensen and Arne Jacobsen. Yet his works are simple and modest, crafted in natural materials such as rosewood and teak and, in particular, are free of sharp edges.

One of his more notable pieces is a rosewood sideboard with drawers shaped to avoid the need for handles. The timeless design of the piece combines exotic wood with coloured panels. Another classic is his chaise longue in teak and beech covered in wickered patent leather and produced by Bovirke. Other pieces include tables, desks, sofas and hall furniture, inspired by nature with soft, organic, elegantly curved lines.

From the 1950s, Vodder worked with the furniture company Sibast on several sets of office furniture which did particularly well on the American market, even arousing the interest of Jimmy Carter.[1] In the 1960s, the furniture not only reached the White House but could be seen in banks, airline offices, embassies and hotels across the globe. Vodder also arranged international exhibitions in Sweden, England, Austria and the United States together with Verner Panton and Nanna Ditzel.[3] Vodder worked with a number of manufacturers including Cadovius, Nielaus, Erik Jorgensen, Fritz Hansen, Sibast furniture and latterly Kircodan in Bangkok.

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